Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monday, Monday...

It's Sunday here in Kyoto and a new week is about to begin. I thought I'd just write up a little blurb about my weekly schedule so any readers can get an idea of what I'm doing while I'm here.

9-12: Japanese Class
2-5(or 6): Volunteer translation at Eastern Design Inc.

9-12: Japanese Class
1:15-4:30: Global Interchange class
4:30-6:30: Dinner with Japanese classmates
6:30-9:00: Teaching English at English Workshop for Doshisha college students

9-12: Japanese class
3:00-4:30: Kyoto Houses class

9-12: Japanese class
4:30-7:00: Teaching English to school children and housewives

9-12: Japanese class
1:15-2:45: Kyoto Houses class


That's the basic framework of all the places I have to be and at what time. I also spend a lot lot of time and money commuting and, most importantly, finding food. I often enjoy cooking dinner, but it takes a lot of time to go to the grocery store/¥100 store to get stuff and then cook it and then eat it and then clean it all up. I didn't realize that eating was so time-intensive. Sometimes I go out to eat, but then it can also be difficult (and more expensive) to decide/find a suitable place to eat. Homework consumes the rest of my time, but I am always sure to set aside at least an hour or so to go to a temple on the way home or nearby. Time is going by so quickly here and I still feel like I haven't completed any of my goals here.

Anyways, I have to get ready for a presentation I'm giving in Japanese class tomorrow on the city planning of Kyoto from past to present. Here's to another packed week!

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